Manda cried out that Mr Hoelt had no right to lock her in. 曼达大喊着说赫尔特先生无权关禁她。
Furthermore, any read operation performed from a method invoked by the processTrade() method might also hold a lock in the database. 此外,在由processTrade()方法调用的方法中执行的任何读取操作也可以在数据库中保持一个锁。
Optimistic locking is an extremely efficient concurrency control method that guarantees data integrity without placing any physical lock in the database. 乐观锁是一个极其有效的并发性控制方法,它可以确保数据完整性而又无需在数据库中放置任何物理锁。
Using the Repeatable Read isolation level may result in an automatic table lock in some cases. 使用可重复读隔离级别在某些情况下可能会导致自动执行表锁定。
All that does is lock in the losses and prevent a chance to recover. 所有这些都锁定了损失,阻止了复苏的机会。
Wear pajamas and socks to bed to lock in the moisture while you sleep. 睡觉的时候穿好睡衣裤和袜子来保湿。
There is a lock in my heart, defending my secrets, protecting my wishes. 我的心里有一把锁,守着秘密,护着愿望。
The fuses will lock in place when correctly positioned. 保险丝将锁定到位时正确定位。
I closed the door, and rolled a stone to assist the loosened lock in holding it; 我关上了门,推过一个石头来把门顶住,因为锁已被敲开。
Illegal to attempt a file lock in a transaction after taking prior record locks. 非法操作。在一个事务处理中已有记录锁定的情况下,试图对文件进行锁定从而导致非法。
But the risk might be dodged and focused through the anticipation operation& focus the settlement of exchange rate through the forward settlement of exchange, to get away from exchange rate risk. Illegal to attempt a file lock in a transaction after taking prior record locks. 但风险可以通过事前的操作予以规避和锁定&通过远期结汇来锁定结汇汇率,规避汇率风险。非法操作。在一个事务处理中已有记录锁定的情况下,试图对文件进行锁定从而导致非法。
Lock in two minutes, 30 seconds. 锁定目标还需2分30秒。
These allow them to lock in a dollar/ Peso exchange rate in case the peso strengthens. 这让他们可以锁定美元兑比索汇率,以防比索汇率走强。
Note: Only registered members can lock in their votes. 只有注册会员可以锁定他们的投票。
This is the arena in which gladiators used to lock in mortal combat. 过去的角斗士就是在这个竞技场展开殊死的搏斗。
In the220 milliseconds that flew by, a lot of interesting stuff happened to make Firefox change the address bar color and put a lock in the lower right corner. 在短暂的220毫秒内,发生了很多有趣的事情,Firefox修改了地址栏的颜色,并在其右下角放置了一个锁状的图标。
Its export-oriented firms want to lock in closer ties with end-customers. 在中国,出口导向型企业希望与高端客户保持更为紧密的联系。
And the study also showed just how much faster a 90-minute nap could help lock in long-term memories. 此外,研究还发现了90分钟的午睡能使记忆巩固的过程提速多长时间。
Type can hold the lock in two different ways. 类型的线程可以采用两种不同的方式持有锁。
Meat producers ( another third or more of the harvest) can lock in feed prices too. 肉类生产商(另外逾三分之一的玉米消耗)也可以锁定该饲料价格。
After this article studies the belt to lock in the marrow in front of the nail treatment stock backbone bone fracture technique and the technique nurses the measure. 本文研究带锁髓内钉治疗股骨干骨折的术前和术后护理措施。
With the read lock in place, any other transaction is still free to read that row, but none can delete or alter it. 放置了这个读锁定后,任何其他事务仍可以读取该行,但都不能删除或变更该行。
Again, the right decision at the right time, and once again I believe we overlooked the cause and the affect of flavor lock in our stores. 又一次,正确的时间正确的决定,我也又一次相信我们忽视了在我们的店里密封香味的原因和后果。
These contracts let buyers lock in a price for basic materials. 这类合约可以让买家锁定基本原材料价格。
The temptation to lighten the position to "lock in profits" can be very great. 这时减轻仓位以锁定利润的诱惑会非常强烈。
Now to put it back together and cut some basic keys in the wall to lock in the RTV core mold in it's proper position. 现在将它放回一起和削减一些基本的钥匙在墙上的锁,在室温硫化模具的核心,在它的正确的位置。
Close secondary lock in the plug. 关闭插头上的副锁。
If they insist on trying to lock in sectorals I don't see that possibility. 但如果他们坚持要锁定产业协议,我觉得那是不可能的。
Analysis and Realization of File Lock in Linux Linux文件锁技术的分析与实现
Lock in these savings-register for multiple years! 锁在这些储蓄-注册多个十年!